
Environment as a source of learning media

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

There are still many people assume that the instructional media is always associated with high technology, electronics, digital and high cost examples we know as the medium of learning is the print media, Transparency, Audio, Slide Voice, Video, Interactive Multimedia, E-learning. But really it is a narrow idea of ​​understanding the meaning of a learning media. Learning media consists of various types, from simple instructional media and instructional media are inexpensive to sophisticated and expensive. From start to handcrafted assembly plant of the teachers themselves, and even some that have been provided by the natural environment around us which can be directly used as a medium of learning. On the basis of an understanding of the above it is expected that no more arguments that arise among the teachers to not be able to use visual aids because it is expensive. So many of our surrounding environment can be used as media props without the need for expensive fees. Some objects in the environment we can be utilized as a source of learning, whether used directly (by utility resources), or that are designed first (by design resources) and can also be engineered by the media.
I. Understanding the environment as a learning resource
General Dictionary of Indonesian Language (Kubi) interpreted environment that surround sebgai spheres (circled). Another notion that is all that terlingkung in an area. In English dictionaries of terminology is quite diverse environment is an umbrella term including circles, area, surroundings, sphere, domain, range, and the environment, which meant something more to do with circumstances or things that are around or surrounding. In other literature it is mentioned that the environment is a unity of space with all the objects and circumstances of living creatures including human beings and their behavior as well as other living creatures. Environment that consists of elements biotic (living things), abiotic (inanimate objects) and human culture. Environment around our children is one of learning resources that can be optimized to achieve the process and outcome quality education. The number of learning resources available in this environment is not limited, though generally not intentionally designed for educational purposes. The source of this environmental study will further enrich the insight and knowledge of children as they learn is not limited by the four walls of the classroom, The truth is more accurate, because the child can experience directly and to optimize the potential of the five senses to communicate with the environment. Possible learning activities will be more attractive to children because the environment provides a wide range of learning resources and many options. Penchant to learn from an early age is very necessary capital in order to prepare the community learning (learning societes) and human resources in the future. So many values ​​and benefits that can be gained from the environment as a source of learning in education, almost all the themes of activities can be learned from the environment. However, it is necessary to creativity and innovative spirit of the teachers to be able to use the environment as a source of learning.
If at the time of learning in the classroom of children was introduced by the teacher about the rice plant, by utilizing the rice field environment, children will be able to gain more experience. In this environment teachers can use to bring the activities usually conducted in the classroom into the open in this environment. However, if the teacher told the story in the classroom, the nuances that occur in the classroom will not be as naturally as if teachers invite children to use the environment. This means that learning is not just happening in the classroom but also outside the classroom in this learning environment as a source of great influence on physical development, social skills, cultural, emotional and intellectual development. Children learn through direct interaction with objects or ideas. Environment offers teachers an opportunity to reinforce concepts such as colors, numbers, shapes and ukuran.Memanfaatkan environment is basically to explain certain concepts naturally. The concept of color is known and understood the boy in the class will certainly be more pronounced when the teacher directs the children to see the actual color concepts that exist in the surrounding environment.
1. Profits use the media environment
Utilizing the environment as a medium of learning has many advantages. Some advantages include:
  • Save costs, because it uses objects that already exist in the environment 
  • Provide real experiences to students, learning becomes more concrete, not verbalistik
  • Because these objects came from students, then these objects will be in accordance with the characteristics and needs of students. It is also in accordance with the concept of contextual learning (contextual learning). 
  • More applicable lessons, learning materials obtained by students through the media environment is likely to be applied directly, because students will often see things or similar events in their everyday lives.
  • The media environment provides hands-on experience to students. With the media environment, students can interact directly with objects, locations or events in nature indeed. 
  • More communicative, because objects and events in the environment students are usually easily digested by students, compared to the packaged media (designed).
By understanding these benefits, we should be able to get the most temperamental environment around us to support our learning activities. Our environment store various types of sources and media to learn that almost unlimited. Environment can be utilized as a source of learning for a variety of subjects. We chose to live according to the principles or criteria for media selection and adjust it to aim, characteristics of students and topics that will be lessons we teach.
II . Engineering Principles of Learning Media
Media that are in the neighborhood, there is a form of objects or events that directly can we use as a source of learning. In addition, there are certain things we have to make first before we can use in learning. The media that we need to make it is usually a simple props using materials found in our environment. If we have to make such a learning medium, there are some principles that we need to consider making, namely:
  • The media must be made in accordance with the purposes and functions of the user. 
  • Can help provide an understanding of certain concepts, particularly abstract concepts. 
  • Able to encourage student creativity, provides the opportunity for students to experiment and explore (find yourself) 
  • Media are made should consider the safety factor, does not contain elements that endanger students. 
  • Try to satisfy substantial elements of truth and attractiveness 
  • The media should learn easily used by both teachers and students 
  • The materials needed to make should be selected so easily available in the environment with relatively low cost 
  • Type of media that is made should be tailored to students' levels of development goals

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